Chapter 4. Impossibility of Reincarnation and Nirvana

Then, something that I did not expect started happening, I started thinking about the teachings of Buddhism rationally and critically. The science taught in my school was based on evolution. The teachings of Buddhism were based on reincarnation. Just like almost all Buddhists, I believed in both evolution and reincarnation. Like a violent collision in my mind, I came to realize that the evolution theory and reincarnation theory are completely incompatible. The following questions along with many other questions started bothering me:

  • According to the evolution theory, the Earth was formed about 4.6 billion years ago, and the first simple cells appeared on Earth about 3.6 billion years ago. Did they have souls to reincarnate?
  • According to the evolution theory, the first modern human (Homo-Sapiens) appeared on the Earth about 200,000 years ago.
  • However, in reincarnation theory, human is the last stage before the Nirvana.
  • If both are true, then we are forced to believe that animals have been evolving for 4.6 billion years without having any chance of Nirvana!!
  • From which stage of evolution did the souls enter the primitive animals and started reincarnation?
  • Billions of creatures acting on instinct with no capacity to discern morality could not reincarnate to humans.
  • Some proponents of reincarnation theory claim that only humans can reincarnate to another human since animals do not have the sense of morality. This brings different questions, about 4 thousands years ago, the total population of the earth was only about a few million at the most.  Now, we have almost 7 more billion people on earth than that time. Where did these 7 billion souls come from?
  • Animals act only on instinct. How can they behave well enough to be reincarnated into a higher life form such as human?
  • If I am born in a different place as a new living form, I would not remember anything from the previous life. Which means, I would have to start all over again, and may not even have a chance to learn about Nirvana.
  • And if it were possible for animals to become human, what is the statistical possibility of any of the 7 billion people on Earth achieving Nirvana? I’d never met anyone who had. It was hopeless and, so was I.
  • Proponents of Reincarnation Theory claim that hundreds of people achieve Nirvana. A few thousands out of Billions is statistically insignificant, therefore, I have to conclude that I have no chance at all.

I searched for answers to these type of questions by reading books and asking monks. Surprisingly, I could not find any answers to any of these fundamental questions. So many people blindly accept the idea of reincarnation without asking any questions!! As I was not able to find answers to these basic questions that our whole philosophy was built upon, I became dissatisfied and disappointed, and slowly departed from the teachings of Buddhism.

One beautiful April day, I was traveling on a train to go to the countryside while pondering about the teachings of Buddhism. I looked out the window, and the nature was absolutely stunning. I was enjoying every moment. Then questions came into my mind, “Why is nature so beautiful? How do I understand and appreciate the beauty of the nature?” These questions boggled my mind for about three months, then I realized that if something is beautiful, it was made with a purpose – yes, there has to be a creator who made all things. And, the same creator also made me so that I understand and appreciate the beauty of his creation. I finally admitted that there has to be a God, and if there is a God, I need to know Him. I surrendered in June of that year. As I grew in faith in God, I started asking many questions as I did when I was a Buddhist. Then, I realized that Christianity is very different from all religions in the world.

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